
SlideCenter (formerly known as CaseCenter) is a full featured framework for clinical pathology, designed with the pathologist in mind. SlideCenter not only enables teleconsultation with digital slides but also gives you full control of your samples as it is a fast and effective slide and case database. SlideCenter is a web-based pathology workflow tool with a full featured case and slide database. It has been designed to fit in both research and routine digital pathology.

Consultation plays an ever growing role in pathology. Faster and better diagnosis requires faster and better access to the medical samples. Digital slides make this all possible. SlideCenter as a full featured whole slide image management software with teleconsultation abilities helps in the process!
SlideCenter can be used in smaller or bigger laboratories or even hospitals or hospital networks. It can be integrated into existing hospital information systems.
SlideCenter is a flexible, distributed server system: more servers can easily be added for enhanced data security and storage requirements.
Licensing is done on the server side: SlideCenter regulates the number of users who can access the server at any time. User & group rights management is built in the system.
HUB: web front end, MySQL database
Service Unit (SU): slide storage

Automatic slide alignment
Automatic and rapid alignment of series of sections even with different stainings. It is not necessary to rotate digital slides manually.
Virtual Slide and VirtualTray
All slides of a case represented in one view by one single click for faster case reading and slide comparison. Combine multiple digital slides or regions of interest into one VirtualTray without the need for more storage!

TMA workflow support
from target marking up to the core visualization. Use CaseCenter’s remote slide access for sample designation or TMA slide evaluation: fast, convenient, and easy.
Transparent login method for high traffic user authentication
Login queue and automatic logout. It is possible for the administrator to log users out after a specified time of inactivity. A login queue handles the shortage of free licenses. Users get in the queue according to their user levels (users with higher rank are put forward in the queue) and their queue number (position in the queue) is displayed and is automatically updated.
Server side barcode parsing
Automatically create folders and Cases from the barcode on the slide on server side
• No need to define path to every slide. Slides are put in their place automatically by barcode
• It also works with manually written indentifiers
• Recognizes and uses cases/folders created by HIS
New, multiplatform slide viewer application
Supported platforms: Windows, Win Mobile, Mac OSX, iOS, LINUX, Blackberry

Secondary Service Unit
Using a secondary Service Unit when default Service Unit is full or unavailable or getting errors
Quick search in folder tree
The uploader of each slide is shown in slide details
Delete folder &Delete slide functions are set to user level
Delete folder or slide function is available only for a defined user level and above
Send daily mail about the status of the Service Unit
Send a message to the admin every day about the condition of the Service Units
If Service Units become unavailable and it is not available for a certain time, a message is sent to the admin. This e-mail contains Service Unit’s name and current status
New features
Redesigned Graphic User Interface:
This new GUI represents the new common GUI concept of all 3DHISTECH software application such as CaseViewer 2.0 (recently release) in order to harmonize the different applications, creates synergies and makes it “easy to use”
Customizable application header supports the possibility of adding a logo of the user institute.
Reporting during teleconsultation.
During a teleconsultation session a mutual case report can be created by the participating parties or an already created Case Report attached to the Case can be shared.
Case Reports can be created and attached to a Case including one or more digital slides
Case Sharing: similarly to existing “Slide Sharing” function, a case (a set of digital slides and attached reports) can be shared with other users with groups of users
In case of eg. “second opinion” a consultant can add his personal report to a shared Case by using the HTML based Report Templates
(Slide Manager / Teleconsultation / Share). The saved report will be converted as PDF file.
Improved algorithm for slide alignment
More features
Web based slide and case database with fast search
Teleconsultation support with Pannoramic Viewer
Easy extension by adding new SUsSlide access through the free Pannoramic Viewer, the InstantViewer or the iPad Viewer
Virtual Slide handling
MS Network, HTTP and HTTPS accessibility
Fully manageable user and user group rights system
Direct scanning into database with Pannoramic digital slide scanners
Macro images and multiple file attachments stored in the case
CaseCenter can work with other 3DHISTECH software applications
(e.g. quantification software can be run on remote slides)

Minimal requirements
• Processor: Intel® Xeon® Processor E3-1220
• 4 Core CPU
• 16 GB RAM
• 320 GB + slide storage: depends on requirements
• Slides: 0,5-1 GB / slide
• MS Windows Server 2012 R2