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September 7th, 2019 (Liver Pathology)
Digital Slide Seminar 3:
Liver Pathology in Paediatric
Prof Mark Luquette
Case 1:
Patient A:
Patient A: 15-year-old girl who experienced uncharacteristic muscle pain, soreness, and fatigue during exercise. AlkPhos 114 (40-150 U/L), AST 385 (0-35 U/L), ALT 460 (0-50 U/L), IgG 7340 (695-1620 mg/dL), F-Actin IgG 95 (>31 units = positive), Smith SSA (Ro) >8.0 (0-0.9 AI). Negative for Scleroderma Scl-70 ENA, SSB (La), Smooth Muscle Antibody (SMA), RNP Antibody IgG, Jo 1 Antibody IgG, LKM Antibody, Hepatitis B and C.
Patient B: same process as patient "A" :
13 year old girl with a painless left sided abdominal mass for 3 months prior to presentation with left sided pain and thrombocytopenia. Imaging showed splenomegaly and a diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenia was made. Subsequent lab studies showed: Abnormal liver function tests: AlkPhos 232, AST 617, ALT 712, IgG 3502, SMA 93 (0-19), and negative ANA.
Case 2:
16 year old girl without prior medical problems presents in renal failure requiring hemodialysis. She was found to have hemolytic anemia, AlkPhos 19 (40-150 U\L), ALT =33 (0-50 U\L), Total Bilirubin 17.3 (0.2-1.3 mg/dL). Within 3 days of admission, ammonia was 97 (10-50 umol/L) and an emergent liver transplant was done.
Case 3:
6 month old boy born at 23 weeks gestation with a history of necrotizing enterocolitis and a bowel perforation in the first 2 weeks of life; reanastomosed at 4 months of life. He has generalized bowel dysmotility and a rectal biopsy for Hirschsprung's disease at 5 months of age was normal. A liver biopsy was done during a laparotomy for lysis of adhesions (causing bowel obstruction) because the surgeon thought the liver looked abnormal. Albumin 2.2 (2.6-4.2 g/dL), Total bilirubin 23.4 (0.2-1.3 mg/dL), Direct Bilirubin 18.7 (0-0.2 mg/dL), AlkPhos 493 (110-320 U/L), ALT 118 (0-50 U/L), AST 281 (20-65 U/L), GGT 179 (0-65 U/L).
Case 4:
Patient A:
8 month old boy presenting with hepatomegaly. AlkPhos 212 (110-320 U/L); ALT 548 (0-50 U/L), AST 708 (20-65 U/L); Triglycerides 745 (<75 mg/dL); Normoglycemic.
Case 04 - A01-H&E
Case 04 - A02-PAD
Case 04 - A03-PAS diastase
Case 04 - A04-Oil Red O
Case 04 - A05-Trichrome
Patient B:
18 year old female with elevated liver enzymes, type 1 diabetes mellitus and Crohn's disease.
Case 5:
9 year old boy, BMI at 91st percentile for age, elevated AST 153 (0-50 U/L), and ultrasound consistent with steatosis.
Case 6:
6 year old boy presents with liver mass and pulmonary nodules. Alpha Fetoprotein 288,067 (0-8 ug/L)
Case 06 - 01-H&E
Case 06 - 02-Cytokeratin(AE1/AE3)
Case 06 - 03-Vimentin
Case 06 - 04-beta Catenin
Case 06 - 05-Ini-1