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September 8th, 2019 (Pancreatic Pathology)
Digital Slide Seminar 5:
Pancreatic Cytology
Prof. David Chhieng
Case 1:
68-year-old female with a mass in the head of pancreas.
Case 2:
63-year-old female with a 4.5 cm cystic mass in pancreas located at the head/body junction.
Case 3:
56-year-old male with 6 cm mass in the head of the pancreas.
Case 4:
48-year-old female with a 3 cm mass in the head of pancreas.
Case 5:
73-year-old male with a 2.5 cm mass in the head of pancreas and prominent periduodenal lymphadenopathy.
Case 6:
46 year old female with chronic abdominal pain. MRI showed an area of structuring around the head of the pancreas. However, EUS did not show any definitive mass in the entire pancreas.
Case 7:
67 year old female with a 3.5 cm mass in the body of the pancreas.
Case 8:
80 year old female with ill defined mass in the ucinate process of the pancreas and associated pancreatic duct obstruction.