
One of the most popular fields of using digital slides is education.
Whole slide imaging can significantly reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of histological education. Exactly the same slides can be shared with all students without any microscope. Histology Education is a complete educational solution package from 3DHISTECH.
Exam Module is web-based software that using the real power of the whole slide images in the education and training.
With Exam Module you can easily set up examinations or practice sessions. The software supports the multi-language environment so each test can be set for different languages.
The individual questions’ orders are randomized for each student. The test questions (single or multiple choices) are automatically evaluated. The test sheets questions can be chosen from one or numerous of topics.
Using Exam spares a whale of time and energy for the teachers and magisters.
Parts of the package
- Histology Education Training
In school (in the building of the Institute);
Offsite (with web access from everywhere)
- Histology Education Exam
SlideCenter and the Teleconsultation module in Pannoramic Viewer help the process! Firstly the administrator uploads the slides in a case folder. This folder could be shared with the students (with "Read-only" or "Editable" functions settings).
After this step in the Exam module the administrator enters the Histology Education server and builds the exam-topics questions up with picture or slide link attachments. There are single, or multy or textural answers and the students could define slide areas at the Pannoramic Viewer with annotations. The module generates the evaluation of exams in semi-automated method.
With the Pannoramic Viewer you are able to participate in a teleconsultation process. Simply register in and log on to PathoNet to access the virtual slide your colleague wants you to form an opinion about. You can even download the slide to your computer. After having the slide reviewed you can write a report.
If you want to set up your own slide server, you have to use SlideCenter. This web based application is a full-featured case and slide database with teleconsultation abilities.
SlideCenter can be used in smaller or bigger laboratories or even hospitals. Thanks to the HL7-compatibility it can be integrated into existing hospital information systems.
SlideCenter is a flexible, distributed server system: more servers can easily be added for enhanced data security and storage requirements.
Licensing is done on the server side: SlideCenter regulates the number of users who can access the server at any time. User & group rights management is built in the system.
Main characteristics:
• Web based exam management
• Multi-language support
• Questions can be freely grouped to different exam sheets
• Training and practice possibility
• Random question order and random answer order against cheating
• Teleconsultation capabilities
• Answers can include student defined digital slide areas
• Semi-automated evaluation of exams